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Pool Equipment Repair

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We service and repair most any electrical, mechanical, and plumbing issues you may have with your swimming pool. Our team are masters at swimming pool equipment repair and your family’s safety and fun are a priority for our team. So you can trust Desert Luxury Pools to fix your swimming pool equipment right every time.

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Regarding Bad Weather: Unfortunately, the weather is not always sunny. So on the days when it is raining, windy or otherwise hazardous the chemicals in your pool will be balanced and your baskets will be emptied. However, there will be no vacuuming or netting until the following week.

Repair Hourly Rate

Per Hour*

$ 100

Maximum payment flexibility

Pool Pump

Filter Pump Repair

The purpose of the pool pump is to pull the water from the pool, send it thru a filter and eventually back into the pool. If there are issues with the pump, it may not be able to pull the water correctly or efficiently and you’ll need a pool repair.

Possible Pump Issues
  • ✔ Bad Pool Pump Motor
  • ✔ Bad Start Capacitor
  • ✔ Wiring Issue
  • ✔ Cracked or Warped Lid
  • ✔ Damaged Lid O-Ring
  • ✔ Cracked Pool Pump Body
  • ✔ Damaged Impeller
  • ✔ Damaged Diffuser
  • ✔ Clogged Basket
  • ✔ Clogged Impeller
  • ✔ Leaking Shaft Seal or Seal Plate Gasket

Our trucks are usually stocked with the most common parts from the major pump brands, and with your approval, we can make the necessary pool repairs. Depending on the age and condition of the pump, we may recommend replacement with a newer more efficient model that comes with a multi-year parts and labor warranty.

Pool Filter

Repair or Replace

Fortunately, the vast majority of the internal parts of DE filters and pool cartridge filters are still made and available. That being said, a number of the outer bodies are not made anymore, especially older stainless steel bodies. We believe that if we can replace bulkhead fittings, grids or cartridges to extend the life of the filter, then we should.
below are some reasons a pool filter needs to be replaced. So please let us know how we can help repair your pool filter.

Reasons a filter needs to be replaced
below are some reasons a pool filter needs to be replaced. So please let us know how we can help repair your pool filter.

  • ✔ The body is cracked (mixing new body parts with old body parts is not recommended).
  • ✔ The filter is not made anymore.
  • ✔ The existing filter is too small for the mature plants around the pool.

Pool Heater

Repair or Replace

A pool heater or spa heater can be set to heat the entire pool or just the spa, depending on each pool’s setup. It can be used to begin the swimming pool season a few weeks early, extend the season for a few extra weeks, or heat the pool up for a winter holiday party (heating for a winter holiday party will take some extra time and natural gas).
Pool heater or spa heater issues can at times be very simple repairs.

Here are some common reasons heaters need simple repairs
(heating for a winter holiday party will take some extra time and natural gas). Pool heater or spa heater issues can at times be very simple repairs. When there is poor water flow from a pool pump issue, leaking suction valve, or a dirty pool filter, the pool heater’s safety features could prevent the heater from trying to ignite. There are several other safeties that the pool heater will check before allowing ignition. A few simple pool heater issues:
  • ✔ Failed Automation Water Temperature Sensor
  • ✔ Failed Heater Water Temperature Sensor
  • ✔ Dirty Pool Filter
  • ✔ Failed Water Pressure Switch
  • ✔ Poor Water Flow from Bad Suction Valve
  • ✔ Poor Water Flow from Pool Filter Pump Issue
  • ✔ Loose or Bad Pool Filter Pump Lid
  • ✔ Bad Automation Communication Wire
There are times when the repairs are not so simple:
  • ✔ Rust in the Fire Box
  • ✔ Damaged or Leaking Heat-Exchanger
  • ✔ Damaged or Leaking Headers
  • ✔ Bad Gas Valve
  • ✔ Incorrect Gas Pressure
  • ✔ Bad Control Boards
Depending on the issue, age, and general condition of the pool or spa heater, there are times when it is better to replace, than to repair. The service we provide is pretty well turn-key. All we ask of you, is to keep the pool full of water, pay invoices on time and be an extra set of eyes and ears between our visits. If you see something odd or hear a funny sound, reporting it quickly can prevent costly repairs.

Pool Light

Repair or Replace

There are several reasons that a pool light, or spa light, might not be working:
  • ✔ GFCI Plug/Breaker Tripped or Bad
  • ✔ Bad Breaker
  • ✔ Bad Wiring, Switch or Relay
  • ✔ Bad Bulb or Gasket
  • ✔ Water in Fixture
Here are some easy ways to troubleshoot your light.

The easiest thing to check is the GFCI plug and breaker. It is SO important to be sure that the GFCI feature on the plug associated with the pool light is working as designed. It is designed to cut the power when it senses a fault or electrical failure. We have also found that at times, depending on placement of the plug, they can trip from outside influences. Check those first.

When we find out that a bulb is bad, we will always replace the gasket during the bulb replacement.

Switches and relays are for the most part, a relatively common repair. There have been times that these types of repairs can be caused by a separate issue that must be dealt with for safe pool light operation.

Water and the inside of light fixtures are a bad combination. This will usually lead to complete replacement of the fixture and wiring. Generally speaking, the older the fixture, the larger chance of a leak from the gasket. Water can also enter the fixture from the sealed area where the wire enters the back or side. We feel that once water has been inside the fixture, it should be replaced for safety reasons.

There are now white, as well as color changing LED pool lights.

Pool Cleaner

Repair or Replace

As described in the pool cleaner maintenance section, most cleaners can easily be repaired. Some pool cleaner repairs are as simple as replacing a debris bag. Others may require a complete rebuild of the pool cleaner drive train assembly. We have come across some pool cleaners that would cost more to repair than to replace. If this is the case, we would be happy to provide an estimate for replacement.
Ask us for a free storm cleanup estimate.

Pool Automation

Repair or Replace

Technology drastically changed pool controls within a few decades. There are now options to program and control a pool’s features from a smart phone app.

Reasons Automation systems may need repair
  • ✔ Bad Control Board
  • ✔ Bad Temperature Sensor
  • ✔ Wiring Issue
  • ✔ Bad Relay
  • ✔ Bad Communication Wire
  • ✔ Connection Issue for Wireless
  • ✔ Loss of Power to Controls
  • ✔ Damaged Spa Side Remote
We usually need to make a site visit to confirm the issue so that we may provide an accurate estimate. Ask us for a free storm cleanup estimate.

Time & Controls

Repair or Replace

Some pools are setup with a very simple timer control. when these mechanical devices fail they can typically be repaired with a simple replacement of the mechanism.


Repair or Replace

It is important for the valves associated with the water flow to be working correctly.

Here is a list of valve types and troubleshooting ideas
  • ✔ Suction – Controls Water From Pool/Spa
  • ✔ Pressure – Controls Water Back to Pool/Spa
  • ✔ Check – Keeps Water Where it is Supposed to Be
  • ✔ Backwash – DE Filters
  • ✔ Air Relief – Filter Gauge Assembly



If the suction valves in front of or before the pump are leaking or damaged, they may not let the pump run correctly because they could be allowing air into the system when on, and after the system is off. We have seen pumps fail from not being able to move water correctly and were able to track the issue back to bad o-rings on some of the suction valves.


An issue with a return valve will most likely show up as a leak when the system is running. At times the water leak may be small. However, when the system shuts off it could allow air to enter the system. This results in the pool filter pump losing its prime and not running correctly.


These valves are EXTREMELY important when the system shuts off after normal operation. They are designed to keep the water where it is supposed to be. This factor is very important when the pool equipment is higher than the pool. On systems where the spa is higher than the pool, they will also help keep the water level in the spa full.


Usually associated with DE pool filters and sand pool filters. If they are not working correctly, they could allow debris back into the pool or could be leaking water when running.

Air Relief:

These valves are normally on the top of the filter and are used to bleed off air that has gotten into the system. When the system is running and the air relief valve is opened, the air is released until water starts coming out of the release port. At this time, the valve is closed and you can get an accurate filter pressure reading.

If the air relief valve is bad, it acts like a bad pressure side valve.

Ask us for a free storm cleanup estimate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pool Repairs

Where do most pool leaks occur?

If you have a pool leak, it likely originates with the skimmer. As the pool deck expands and contracts due to temperature changes, the seal at the skimmer throat breaks, causing a leak.

Why is my pool filter pressure low?

When pool filter pressure is low this indicates a flow problem before the pump. The basket may be full of debris or the debris made it’s way past the basket and into the impeller. A stuck skimmer flap, plugged valves, low water or full skimmer baskets can also restrict water flow to the pump and cause low pressure.

What do I do if my pool pump freezes?

Moving water doesn’t freeze. Therefore, the best thing to do when it freezes is to ensure that the pool water keeps moving through the filter and pipes. But if it’s too late for that, the first thing you will want to do is turn the power off to all the equipment. Then remove pump lids, all freeze plugs/drains for pumps, heaters, filters and valves and wait until things thaw for at least a week.

What do I do if my pool pipes freeze?

Keeping your pool running 24/7 during freezing weather can prevent major damage. Moving water doesn’t freeze, so this is your best option. But once freezing occurs you’ll want to make an appointment with a pool specialist.

If you lose electricity for an extended period and you’re concerned about freezing, there is something you can do. But if it’s too late for that, the first thing you will want to do is turn the power off to all the equipment. Then remove the pump lids, all freeze plugs/drains for pumps, heaters, filters and valves and wait until things thaw for at least a week.


Pools from $65k
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